Friday, July 31, 2009

The Building Blocks of Photography- Part 1

Shape is typically the most dominant element of an image. It can be created by one object, such as a building or silhouette, or it can be created by many smaller objects, such as ice cream flavors in a shop.

Patterns are also very eye catching, but even more than that, a break in the pattern can be used to develop a focus of interest.

Form is also very important, as it gives a more 3D effect to shapes, and adds depth to the subject.

Texture is apparent when an image appears so strongly that it elicits a tactile response from the viewer creating an intense sense of realism.

Color often draw someone to take a photo, but it is important to make sure that the color works well with the colors around it.

Perspective is used to mold the structure of the image. An example is when something it viewed from far away, or close up, or with a wide-angle lens to change the size of the object.

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